Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

If I Can Turn back The Time

Couple of day almost new year and yes It's been a long time I don't write anything into my blog. Short talk, my life going well and freakin good this year. I couldn't ask for more even I will always hoping and do more than good for next year. This blog post just recapping what really happened in 2013.

I start with family. Everything is fine. My family was blessed of God's love. For Sure. Thank you Allah for this lovely family. Even though my father should retired of his job this early year but it's okay because his forth children already have their own job. Which is we are not overburden his responsibility anymore. He can rest at home and enjoy his retirement happily. End of year my mother got sick. But it's okay, I mean we all still optimistic that she will be recovery soon. Amin.

Friends. There is nothing I can tell about my friendship. Everything is goooooood. I mean really good and there is nothing I should talk about. I keep my social life really fine and safe. There is no drama about my relationship with human being. What can I say? I am such a good person :p

Work. I have two jobs. As an administration of telecomunication provider and Make Up Artist. My office mates and boss really friendly. I love working there. Sometimes I bored of this job because so easy. Oh my! but sometimes I really grateful. Working hours start 07.30 am but I arrives at 08.00 am. My boss not complain about that. At all! How amazing is that? Starting my day with breakfast and browsing many things. Full internet services. The site I always open is youtube, for sure. Once again my Boss doesn't complain about it. All he knows is my duties done perfectly. No call from main office for revision my work, all is fine for him. Then my job as MUA. Once again I grateful of God's Love. After I finished work, my clients always send satisfied messages. That is all matter for me, happy clients.Happy clients will spread good review for all their families and friends which is will be my next clients.That is true, mouth to mouth promotion is the best ever promotion methode.

Love life. Oh my,, this section maybe will be the longest paragraph. Maybe. So many things happened but I better keep it just for myself. I'm just hoping he will be the last cause took years until I can be with him.

Back to the main topic of this blog post, If I can turn back the time, what would that be?. I'm not gonna lie, so many mistakes I did this year. Of course I wanna fixes it.

*deep breath* If I can turn back the time, I (maybe) would back to when I was at Jakarta.For one thing I did, my life turn upside down so fast. My families and best friends regreted what I did but deeply my heart I always wishing that thing happens in my life. Stupid decision consider everything good I ever had and I switched it for something that totally risky.

Like I said before, If I can turn back the time, maybe I would fix it. But the truth is I would not do that. Life is about choosing. Bad or good in the future. Life is mystery. I'm sure I can handle everything right. Otherwise, everything happen for a reason.

That's all I can say this time. I hope for the best for next year. Not just for me but all human being. Always grateful :)

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Gak Ada Yang Lebih Random Dibandingkan Hal Ini

Rasanya udah lama banget gak nulis sesuatu yang sedikit berguna bagi beberapa orang. Niat awal tahun pengen bisa share make up tutorial. Tapi ditengah jalan, banyak nemu kegiatan yang lebih penting *alasan. Malas sebenarnya. Klasik! Akhirnya nulis tapi isinya curhatan. Penting pun. Hahahha..

Aku merasa akhir-akhir ini hidupku berjalan dengan baik. Semakin baik. Banyak tersenyum dan merasa tenang. I feel so good. Much better.

In the end, I would love to say. I love Him..

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Feeling Lost

Tuesday afternoon in my office, suddenly I wanna write something into my blog. Anything. Mostly of what I felt recently. Not like old time that I used always said "time flies so fast". I felt time flies so slow lately. I noticed this things about a month ago. Yeah,,, a month ago.

A month. Short time actually. Just 30 days. But I felt so long way to go. Sometimes I felt lost during that time. How could that be? I don't know. Maybe because I'm just following my routine life track. Daily life such as works, have a little chat with best friend, reading some novel and magazine, hangout, watching television, then go to sleep. Yeah! Not so special. My life got so bored and safe. That so I feeling lost.

Lost of what I wanna achieve in my life. Lost... Just Following my life like it should be. Following my life according my usual life track. Lost.. I was like living but no soul in there. But my days fulfill of smile too...

In a month, I learn to love again. Loving is something hard actually. Especially ever got painful so much inside deep heart. Yeah.. Hard! What is that so? You will know someday if you got the same pain like I ever felt. Hard to explain with words.

The truth is learn to love is the main cause why I felt time flies so slow. I hope time will flies so fast like I used to feel

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

Random Facts About Myself

Udah berasa lama banget gak nulis blog. Males. Belum nemu sesuatu yang pantas untuk ditulis. Belum nemu sesuatu untuk di share. Tetiba iseng dikantor, kerjaan belum menumpuk dan aku memamng suka menumpuk kerjaan supaya langsung dikerjain. Langsung diberantas habis saat itu juga. Ya karena  memang bukan tipe yang sangat rajin juga sih.

Iseng nulis beberapa hal mengenai diri sendiri. Hmm,, penting gak sih? Ya gak juga sih. But this is my blog, I wanna write everything I want as long as no one get hurts about it, so what?!

Jumat, 19 April 2013

Talking To The Moon

Oh my,, it's like so long time ago I wrote something into my blog. So busy with real world. I've something to do and should be finish by end of april. I wish I could. Amin....

So, I found this song, Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars. Not really new song from him. But I just Found it -,-

First time I heard this song, Somehow I remember of him. Someone who always come then go in my life because of some reasons. I understand the reason. Not angry or mad because no matter what happened he still my friend. Me myself not really sure about my feeling but one thing I know for sure is I miss him.

There is something of him that really different compare several men that I know. What is it? Let it be my secret :)

Sometime I wish I could say to him about what I feel but I just can't. My pride say no! Even I miss him so much.

'Cause every night 
I'm talking to the moon
Still try to get to you
 In hopes you're on the other side
 Talking to me too

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Makeup Tutorial : Fresh Purple For Daily Look

Sehari-hari aku gak pernah pakai makeup, bahkan bedak tabur pun gak. Males dan letting my skin breathing easily everyday. Tapi aku suka main-main alat make-up. Liat dimajalah, cari inspirasi dan latihan untuk kerjaan selanjutnya. Masih harus banyak belajar. Akhir-akhir ini aku senang banget ternyata banyak yang percaya dan meminta jasa merias untuk wisuda dan nikahan. Teman-teman dan customer banyak yang bertanya bagaimana caranya merias, aku coba jawab sebisa yang aku tau walau belum sempurna. Semoga Tutorial ini bisa dipakai buat belajar.
Eyeshadow pallete dari Lt. Pro

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

My Week Photos At Wedding

Just bunch of photos with my brother last sunday :))
All pictures taken by iPhone 4S and Sony Xperia Neo L

My Lovely Brother

So Lazy croping the wastafel :p

This Picture not edited at all like three pics above. You can see the real my skin tone also lot imperfections. Hehehe..
Have a nice day and Always grateful :)

IBB MUC : Dazzling Like Marilyn

Where I should start this? Oke, mungkin dengan berterimakasih akan kreatifitas yang dimiliki oleh pengurus IBB yang selalu mengadakan make up challenge every month. Surely every theme of the month always challenging and fantastic. Bikin ngiler pengen ikutan lah. Tema bulan maret yaitu Re-created Marilyn Monroe's make up.

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

What I Feel : Strong Woman

Okay I must Admit that my life doesn't work like i always planned. Sometimes I just can't see how lucky I am, felt like I am so messed up with my life. Down, disappointed, sad, angry etc. I was like "why I can't be like I wanna be? I work so hard. Why I should Failed?" Yeaah.. Sometimes.

When I felt that way, I texted my friend "NAM". Just like other girl does with her girl friend. Curhat.

But, i must say that NAM is so different with another girls that I know. Why?

Merapikan Alis. Cabut atau Cukur?

Beberapa hari ini aku kepikiran kata-kata teman saat melihat aku sedang merapikan alis dengan cara mencabut. Dia bilang "mencabut alis bisa merusak saraf mata, lebih aman di cukur". Dan aku pun langsung menghentikan aktivitasku tersebut. Mikir dan juga agak kuatir tapi dilan sisi merasa "tapi selama ini baik-baik aja kok".

Oke, ditunda dulu soal bahaya atau tidaknya mencabut alis.

Sekedar info, alisku memang tebal tapi bentuknya sudah sesuai dengan standar alis yang bagus (read : tidak turun). Tebal dan melengkung cantik. Tapi aku akui memang perlu di rapikan di beberapa area sehingga terkadang seminggu sampai 2 minggu sekali aku rapikan dengan mencabut beberapa helai.

See,, melengkung cantik :p

Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

5 Jenis Kulit

Pada umumnya, setiap indvidu memiliki jenis kulit yang berbeda dengan individu lainnya. Pakar kulit membagi jenis kulit menjadi 5 yaitu Normal, kombinasi, kering, berminyak dan sensitive. Mengenal jenis kulit sangat penting untuk menentukan jenis skin care dan make up yang cocok untuk digunakan sehari-hari. I did some research and sorry if most of it just copy and paste because I'm not skin expert but i will share the link :)
  • Normal
So lucky you if this is your skin's type. Tidak kering dan juga tidak berminyak. Cara mengetahuinya dengan mengusap wajah di pagi hari dengan tisu. Bila tidak terdapat minyak, artinya jenis kulitmu normal. 
Ciri-ciri :
- kulit normal tidak kering dan berminyak.
- pori-pori terlihat, tetapi tidak besar.
- setelah dicuci terasa halus dan nyaman.
- pada siang hari tetap terlihat segar dan bersih.
- Sesekali terjadi masalah seperti jerawat.
- kulit terasa nyaman setelah menggunakan cream malam.

  • Berminyak
Oh no.. Kulit jenis ini membutuhkan perawatan dan perhatian yang lebih karena jumlah minyak yang diproduksi oleh kulit akan menyebabkan jerawat dan noda muncul dengan mudah. 
- Kulit terasa sangat berminyak.
- kulit tampak mengkilap disiang hari.
- kulit terasa halus dan cukup nyaman setelah dibersihkan dengan facial wash.
- Sering terjadi jerawat.
- Pori-pori terlihat besar.
- kulit terasa berminyak setelah menggunakan cream malam.

  •  Kering
 If this is your skin's type. You need applying moisturizer oftenly and drink lots water. 
- kulit terasa kering dan tipis.
- pori-pori kulit sangat halus.
- Kulit terasa kencang dan terasa kulit terlalu kecil setelah mencuci wajah.
- Pada siang hari akan muncul sisa kulit mati yang belum terbuang yang tampak seperti tambalan sisik.
- Tidak pernah berjerawat.
- Kulit terasa perih setelah menggunakan toner.
- kulit akan terasa nyaman setelah menggunakan cream malam.

  • Sensitif
You need extra careful of this type. kulit jenis ini sangat susah dirawat karena harus berhati-hati dengan kandungan kimia yang terdapat dalam produk perwatan wajah maupun make up.
- kulit mudah teriritasi.
- kulit terasa kering, gatal, perih setelah membersihkan dengan facial wash.
- Jerawat akan muncul sesekali.
- Pada siang akan muncul beberapa kulit mati yang terkelupas seperti tambalan sisik. kulit terasa gatal dan perih setelah menggunakan toner.
- kadang-kadang terasa nyaman atau teriritasi setelah menggunakan cream malam.
  •  Kombinasi
Antara berminyak dan kering. T zone (dahi dan hidung) umumnya berminyak. Pipi dan dagu cenderung normal to dry.
- kombinasi kulit normal, berminyak dan kering.
- kulit bagian pipi biasanya kering.
- kulit akan berminyak didaerah sekitar T-zone. kulit terasa beberapa bagian kering dan halus setelah dibersihkan dengan facial wash.
- sering berjerawat dibagian T-zone.
- Mengkilap disiang hari pada bagian T-zone.
- kulit menjadi berminyak sekitar T-zone dan nyaman dibagian pipi setelah menggunakan cream malam.
- Kebanyakan wanita memiliki jenis kulit ini.

Source :
Kulit sensitif adalah jenis yang paling sulit dirawat, karena rentan terhadap bahan-bahan kimia, sinar matahari/perubahan cuaca ekstrim, dan bahkan beberapa kandungan yang terdapat dalam bahan-bahan alami. - See more at:

Jenis kulit kering juga membutuhkan perawatan yang tepat seperti halnya kulit berminyak. Kulit kering disebabkan oleh tidak cukupnya minyak yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar minyak, sehingga membuat kulit menjadi kering.
Jika Anda memiliki kulit kering, pastikan untuk menggunakan pelembab sesering mungkin dan minum banyak air. Satu keuntungan memiliki kulit kering adalah tidak akan disinggahi oleh jerawat. - See more at:

Jenis kulit kering juga membutuhkan perawatan yang tepat seperti halnya kulit berminyak. Kulit kering disebabkan oleh tidak cukupnya minyak yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar minyak, sehingga membuat kulit menjadi kering.
Jika Anda memiliki kulit kering, pastikan untuk menggunakan pelembab sesering mungkin dan minum banyak air. Satu keuntungan memiliki kulit kering adalah tidak akan disinggahi oleh jerawat. - See more at:
umlah minyak yang dikeluarkan oleh jenis kulit ini menjadikan jerawat dan noda sering muncul. - See more at:
umlah minyak yang dikeluarkan oleh jenis kulit ini menjadikan jerawat dan noda sering muncul. - See more at:

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

5 Gaya Eyeliner

Who doesn't know eyeliner nowaday? I guess everybody knows especially girls. Eyeliner adalah cara cepat dan ringkas untuk tampil menarik. Effortless but looking fabulous. 

Eyeliner sendiri terdiri dari 3 jenis yaitu pensil, cair dan gel.

Aku sendiri suka memakai yang cair dan gel, mostly of them already waterproff dan smudge proof. Untuk pensil, aku kurang suka memakainya untuk kelopak mata atas karena pasti "nyiplak".
Iseng-iseng di waktu luang, akhirnya aku kepikiran mau sharing 5 gaya eyeliner yang bisa diaplikasikan untuk sehari-hari. What you need are pencil / liquid / Gel eyeliner, eye makeup remover and cotton buds. Just in case you slipped out the lines.

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Still Can't Believe Being Top 5 Finalist of IBB MakeUp Challenge

Hari ini seperti biasa, sampai kantor, belum ada kerjaan trus buka blog. Iseng juga buka website Indonesian Beauty Blogger. Secara penasaran yang masuk finalis, pengen tau juga sistemnya seperti apa? Maklum newbie, masih buta. Hehehe...
Suprise banget ternyata aku masuk Top 5 finalist. I was like "whaaatttttt??". Kucek-kucek mata, melototin layar sampe layar komputer juga aku kucek-kucek, siapa tau rusak? Buahahaa mulai deh lebay -___-

Eh ternyata benar :)
Alhmdulillah... Masih gak percaya banget karena....

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

What I Feel

I feel like my brain's ability is stuck! I mean my brain not thinking ahead so that I'm just living my life like it should be. Other side I always wanna do something new and make my life worth it in every single minutes. And then I have a project, which is really make me feel comfort but recently I felt like "I think I can't do this". Really make me down but then I give myself a break.

I hope after the stuck moment I have, I could moving on and continuing finish the project :)

Have a nice day and always grateful :)

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Culinary : Pandum Oriental Resto, Plaza Mulia

One day after work, I decided go to Plaza Mulia. Alone . Just window shopping and really missed praying at Plaza Mulia's mosque. I always feeling calm, peaceful and comfort praying there. Somehow the mosque give me Ramadhan month atmosphere. Love it! 
Moving on,, I felt hungry that day. So I picked Pandum Oriental Resto. This Resto located at fifth floor of Plaza Mulia. 

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

IBB Makeup Challenge : Must Have Red

As a newbie, aku ngeliat ada challenge ini dari blog beberapa senior. Tertarik? Pasti! Akhirnya aku ikutan sekedar untuk meramaikan sekalian numpang exist. Hehehe...
Hadiahnya menggiurkan sekali tapi aku tidak berharap. Just for fun yaaa :)

Moving on...

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

What I Feel

When I wrote this, I was crying
The truth is I don't cry quite long time, maybe 3 month ago.

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Cousin's Wedding

Happy Wedding for my cousin, Kak Henry. Finally he got married with his (maybe) 9-10 years girlfriend, Kak Rinda. Whaaaatttt??? Long time yaaa... Alhamdulillah they are really meant to be together. The Wedding reception was held at Lembuswana's stadium hall, 30 Desember 2012.
Decorations : Anne Florist, Jln. PM. Noor. Samarinda
Make up and Bridal dress : Salon Ratu, Jln. Lambung Mangkurat. Samarinda
Make up for Family and Pagar Ayu : Salon Gayatri, Jln. Juanda 8. Samarinda
Catering : Hj. Nurbayah, Jln. Juanda 8. Samarinda