Jumat, 19 April 2013

Talking To The Moon

Oh my,, it's like so long time ago I wrote something into my blog. So busy with real world. I've something to do and should be finish by end of april. I wish I could. Amin....

So, I found this song, Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars. Not really new song from him. But I just Found it -,-

First time I heard this song, Somehow I remember of him. Someone who always come then go in my life because of some reasons. I understand the reason. Not angry or mad because no matter what happened he still my friend. Me myself not really sure about my feeling but one thing I know for sure is I miss him.

There is something of him that really different compare several men that I know. What is it? Let it be my secret :)

Sometime I wish I could say to him about what I feel but I just can't. My pride say no! Even I miss him so much.

'Cause every night 
I'm talking to the moon
Still try to get to you
 In hopes you're on the other side
 Talking to me too