Senin, 31 Desember 2012

What I Lost and I Get In 2012

Today is the last day in 2012. I wanna looking back what really happened in 2012. I will make it short. Here we go...

I lost…
  • Resign from real estate company who is owned BIG mall project. I was working there almost 8 months. The reason of resign was complete the essay and get a college degree.
  • Someone that I really love and care about. He was my first of everything. He was love of my life almost 6 years. Everything not working so well so that I take big chances to let him go. Hard. But I’ve been through everything and just fine. Finally the drama was over. I’m so relieve and can put big smile to my face. Really BIG SMILE that comes from my deepest heart.

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Love My Jobs. BIG Smile

Yeiyyy Sabtu… Happy Weekend all

Pernah gak sih merasakan sangat capek, kurang tidur, sakit dibadan terutama sendi lutut himgga telapak kaki, sakit kepala bahkan tidak mempunyai waktu untuk mandi tapi tetap bisa tersenyum bahagia? Yup I do!!!

It’s been busy weeks for me but I still gratefull of every bless that Allah given to me… Jumat, selesai bekerja jam 5 sore aku langsung lanjut kerumah pengantin untuk merias ibu dan 2 adik pengantin. Disana sudah ada guru make-upku, Ibu Ida, owner Salon Ratu Samarinda. Beliau merias sang pengantin yang akan melaksanakan akad nikah malam itu.

Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

I Do What I love. I Love What I Do.

It’s been busy weeks for me. I felt like time goes by so quick lately and that cause headache and bad mood in the morning. Gosh! Wake up in the morning, arrived at office working some reports that unbalanced make me confused and dizzy. When I got back home, I’m continued writing. Yes, I do keep writing. Of what? Hehehe… keep it secret just for my self.

Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Make Up For Graduation Day

Okay,, One of my high school friend asked me doing her make up for graduation day. First time she asked me "How much I should pay you?". I just laughed as loud as I can, normally I paid if I'm working for Bride Salon but she is my friend so that I'm doing it because I love her. Her name is Rien Novianda.

Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Some Words That I Like

There's several words that I really like. I heard from my best friends and social media. Here they are...

Kemanapun aku pergi, kamu akan selalu menjadi rumahku

Bersahabatlah dengan kesabaran dan keikhlasan

I'm miss you but I'm trying not to care. I love you but I'm trying not to show. I want you but what can I do when You are not even mine? @damnitstrue

Speak only when your words are more beautiful than the silence  
- Arabic Proverb -

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Cuma Narsis

Love My Jobs

As you know I have double Jobs and I do love them!!!
Sekarang kerja di salah satu perusahaan provider komunikasi. Suka dengan lingkungan kerjanya. Banyak yang aku ketahui dengan bekerja disini. Pastinya bakal jadi pengalaman kerja yang menyenangkan. Kerjanya gak terlalu banyak dalam artian hectic. Masih bisa nyantai sambil ngblog dan nyeruput cappuccino karena back office. Jam sibuk itu sekitar jam 4 sore saat tutup pelayanan. Aku harus membuat laporan penjualan dan mengirim email ke pusat. Jam kerja mulai senin-sabtu. Senin - Jumat mulai 07.30 - 17.00. Sabtu, 07.30 - 12.00. 

Second and the most i love is make up job. Yuhuuu...