Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

What I Feel : Strong Woman

Okay I must Admit that my life doesn't work like i always planned. Sometimes I just can't see how lucky I am, felt like I am so messed up with my life. Down, disappointed, sad, angry etc. I was like "why I can't be like I wanna be? I work so hard. Why I should Failed?" Yeaah.. Sometimes.

When I felt that way, I texted my friend "NAM". Just like other girl does with her girl friend. Curhat.

But, i must say that NAM is so different with another girls that I know. Why?

Physically, She is so beautiful. White skin. Sharp nose. Big eyes which is beauty. Sweet Smile. Okay, so many girl having that appearances.
Attitude. She talks everything she like. I mean "blak-blakan" which is I like. Once you heard what she said, maybe you will think that she is sassy but she's friendly and caring.
And what is special with her? I will say, what she ever going through in her life. She is strong woman I ever know.

what is it?

She become divorcee when she was 20 yo. Yes! hardest thing could be happens in live already she faced in young ages. I was like "whaat?!!"

The reason truly not her fault and she can't hold on any longer even that time just 3 months married.
So many things I've learned from her. Everytime felt down, I texted her. Talked to her. Everything she said could slaps me in the face and felt like "okay, what makes you down is nothing compared what she ever going through"

Her motivations given to me always make me smile and believe. Everything happens for a reason. Just be grateful and re-arrange the life plans. One thing could be failed. Try other things then maybe will be your destiny. Just like people said, one door might be shut but there are another doors will be opened and belongs to you.

Note : sorry for my bad english structure. Still learn :))

4 komentar:

  1. such an inspirational blog. You touched my heart..hehe..=)

    "Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward. "
    Henry Ford

    p.s Your english is perfect..my grammar is horrible..=D

    thx so much for a comment on my blog!

    1. Tengkyu for the quote. Couldn't agree more :))

      ah, kak nancy merendah terus. Saya yg harus banyak belajar bahasa inggrisnya supaya bisa ke ke amrik ky kakak :)

  2. I have same problem, sometime udah buat perencaan untuk hidup dan ya udah yakin gitu pasti bisa, ehh sebaliknya yang terjadi. pertama kali si emang mengecewakan si karena gak jadi sesuai keinginan tapi setelah itu berlalu baru nyadar God' plane is better than me :)

    Tinggal di Samarinda ya? aku di Tarakan, deketan ya? hehe


    1. Yes,, everybody ever felt the same thing. Just see from another viewpoint.

      Hei, aku prnah ke tarakan. Wah kangen :)
