Kamis, 08 September 2011

My Little Project

My Little Project…
I’ve called Mr. Blego yesterday and we were talking about my script. Truly got enthusiasm about this, finishing my college and get steady job for my future. Please don’t be lazy Anita! This is for you… besides that, after I graduated, Ferry will marry me J. Recently I have imagine working at Bank same as Ferry did. I think its very cool and have wide social environment even thougt the job is hard and baled energy plus time. Any way we will see later when I really graduated from college.
Then, my other little project is starting design my own brand hijab, sound cool but hard in other side too. I will learn it slowly but sure,, I faced the difficulty to find garment shop in Samarinda that provide varied fabric.  I'm trying searching in google but none! But I won"t give up :)

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